Saturday, November 19, 2011

4)A big pharmaceutical company conducted an initial survey to determine the chemical properties of few types?

4)A big pharmaceutical company conducted an initial survey to determine the chemical properties of few types of Verbena sp., a medicinal plant used by traditional doctors in parts of Argentina. Leaf samples were collected from thirty plants in each of three large populations for analysis in the lab. A fourth, small population was sampled as well, but as only 15 individuals could be easily located, the sample for this population consisted of two samples from separate branches of each of the 15 individuals. The sample from each plant/branch was placed in a labeled bag. While preparing the samples for chemical analysis in the lab, the lab technician found that six of the sampling bags had no labeling. However, as all the sampling bags were stacked in the order in which they were collected, the technician assigned each of the unlabeled sampling bags to a population by its location in the stack. The data were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA test to test the hypothesis that the levels of tannins didn’t differ among Verbena types.

a.Based on the information provided above, which of the assumptions of ANOVA may have been violated? Justify your answer.

b.Can you use the data (or parts of it) to test the research hypothesis in a way that will avoid the violation of this/these assumptions? If yes, please specify how.

4)A big pharmaceutical company conducted an initial survey to determine the chemical properties of few types?
I'm sorry, but you really need to do your own work. If you have a question about how to perform a mathematical operation or another generic question, feel free to post it. But blatently asking for us to do your homework for you? I don't think so, buddy.

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