Polls say that most Americans either want to keep them there for another year or stay until the job is done.
37% says a year.
39% said the troops should stay in Iraq as long as needed.
21% says pull out now.
The CNN poll was conducted Friday through Sunday by Opinion Research Corp. Pollsters interviewed 1,027 adults for the survey, which had a sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
Wow... Notice the amount of people CNN had surveyed for this poll.
Why does everyone think a majority of the US wants to pull out of Iraq?
I have come to believe that the majority of Americans are brain dead idiots who do not know what the hell they want. I do not listen to polls because they are a waste of time.
Reply:The media portrays this story that is why. Congress is obviously listening to the people, perhaps that is why they are doing all the non binding resolutions. To keep their constituents happy.
Reply:inaccurate voting system....
Reply:Because that's what the main stream media tells them to think.
Reply:Dude...i have been...TWICE... i dont know if you know... It blows.
That is all....i dont know if you got that memo.
Reply:37 says what about a year? You need to be more clear. But, I'm assuming they say give it another year and then get out. So, if you add 37 and 21, you get 58, and that is a majority. A majority of people surveyed want the US to pull out of Iraq, eventually.
Reply:Take a math class and learn how to add 37 and 21. Then ask your question again.
Reply:Because that is what the liberal media keeps telling everyone. If the three major networks is all the news that a person listens to, then they have a very distorted view of what is happening in the world.
Reply:because poll after poll after poll shows that the majority in the USA is firmly against the policies of this administration - since, oh, well over a year ago
just look at the mandate set in November of 2006 - the elections - NEVER before has there been such a sweep of Dems taking over all across the country - locally and nationally
bush's support numbers are abysmally low for a second-termer -
these are facts - with which I'm well acquainted
my question is - why does the news media not ask any tough questions like for instance - regarding the tenuous relationship the country of Dubai (home now to Cheney's Halliburton) had and remains to have with the 9-11 hyjackers and the groups which funded them?
Reply:Polls can be manipulated by the groups which are asked to participate. If a Poll was conducted at a Budweiser brewing plant and the question was "which brand of beer has better taste", I'm sure Budweiser brand would come out ahead.
Reply:1 year would be pulling out of iraq...retard
Reply:37% + 21% = 58% pull out within a year.
That's a majority. Even with the Margin of error (55%- 61%) it's still a majority.
There's no other way to make the determination except by polling. We're not going to have a national referendum about it.
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